Smart Home Management

Smart Home Management

Smart Home Management is designed to allow solar power plants to benefit from the constant price fluctuations in the electricity market, as well as from grid charges. In Estonia, the electricity market has been fully open since 2013. The electricity price on the exchange depends on supply and demand. It is therefore not uncommon to see electricity prices rise or fall by a factor of ten in consecutive hours. As the following day’s prices are fixed the day before, we always have an overview of what’s coming up. So when the price is high on the exchange, you automatically use the battery bank and when the price is low, you load the battery bank. When you look at the electricity market, you see a definite regularity. At night, electricity prices and network charges are lower than during the day. Most charging takes place in the winter or on days when the sun is not shining, so most charging takes place at night, when electricity prices are cheaper and the grid is cheaper.
Smart Home Management also protects your wallet when the stock market price is negative. The solar farm is automatically limited so that grid sales are 0.

How Smart Home Management works

This graph shows how Smart Home Management works, where the dotted line is the stock market price, the blue bars are battery charging and the green bars are battery usage.

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